
"I want you to fall into my pictures and stay with them for some time." - Tina Frank




My name's Helena and i like to shoot. Welcome to my working-progress-blog. One day i'll have my own website. I'm a photography student at Stellenbosch and these are some of my images up till now.
This blog is just a place for me to showcase my photos. Its not my official portfolio. But it's a visual blog. So you won't find profound writings here. Go look some place else for that.

A photograph is not reality. It's a representation of reality. And its aim should be to create some kind of feeling or emotion in the viewer. You need to feel something. You have to. You're human, you have emotions. So please experience something. Anger, joy, longing, jealousy, confusion, unease, even indifference. Whatever.

God gets all the glory for my pictures.